We’ve almost made it to Easter. Many churches would be preparing for a special vigil service to begin at sundown. This year things are, of course, a bit different. This year, if we’re lucky, we await the coming of Easter in our homes, surrounded by our families. I suppose it is fitting that we are separated from our communities, huddled behind closed doors for safety. I would think it is the same way the followers of Jesus spent this night over two thousand years ago.
We know what they didn’t. Hope springs eternal and tomorrow we will greet the risen Lord. Even though most of us aren’t in our churches, there are many clergy around the country and world that have worked tirelessly across many hours preparing, as best they could, to celebrate a new version of an Easter worship service to be broadcast tomorrow. For all of that effort, time, and creative energy, our entire staff at Faith Journeys and Music Celebrations International would like to say thank you, and God bless you!
We will come together again. We will worship and celebrate an Easter Joy. We will be able to hug, pass the peace to one another, and gather around an altar to receive Holy Communion. As hard as it is to believe now, we will even travel to Christian pilgrimage sites around the world once again.
So, from our family to yours, have a blessed and holy Easter. I’m including some photos from the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem. I hope you enjoy them.
Alleluia! Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia!