Protestant Itineraries
Far more than just experiencing a new land or seeing new sights, our Pilgrimage along El Camino de Santiago de Compostela takes us through the spiritually rich and beautiful countryside of Galicia Spain where we will reflect, come closer to God, and gratefully consider the sacrifices and dedication of those who have gone before. As we walk on holy ground, behold sacred shrines and experience timeless works of art regarded as the most awe-inspiring and important of the world – we will renew our commitment to the roots of our Catholic faith. The masses and meditations we celebrate along the way will draw us together as a community. They will remind us of our blessings and the call to stewardship as followers of Jesus Christ.
A Deeper Understanding of the Bible, the Trinity, and Christian Faith
The Bible, the Trinity, and even our Christian faith will take on new depths of religious meaning as we take in this Holy Land, from its sacred sites of Eucharistic miracles and those centering on the Virgin Mary to magnificent basilicas and cathedrals with their timeless works of art, from its humble convents to scenes from early Christianity in the region and the lives of its beloved Saints.

St. Theresa of Avila
We travel the narrow streets of Santiago di Compostela to find the shrine of St. James and to Alba de Tormes in western Spain to see the burial place of St. Teresa of Avila (1515-1582). We will see Loyola, the birthplace of St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuits, and we will visit St. Anthony’s Church to honor St. Anthony, a marriage saint associated with locating lost objects! All this and much more await us on our faith journey to Spain, Portugal, and France.